Donations and Rates
Once registered as a PBO, both the financial and property donations may be tax-deductible.

Property that is required/desired: 
  • Inorganic materials: recyclable packaging materials without food contamination; community donations that are not broken or worn out; and electrical discards of all sorts. Cardboard is to be flattened. Material donations are to be provided, as mixed as possible, in clear bags. (crime-fighting job creation)
  • Organic kitchen materials in a bag. Mass garden waste collected as required. (urban farming & composting)
  • Clear plastic bags are to be used by the submitting donor. Not paper bags!  (anti-litter)
Rates evaluated according to: 
  • Space taken and weight on the vehicle
  • Inorganic: towards the providing of a safe, clean, and supervised, weatherproof facility adjacent to a challenged community where the inorganic materials will be hand-sorted by self-employed sorters paid at market rates.
  • Organic: towards having organic materials professionally composted
  • A meal and basic safety measures.
  • Contractor to remove the non-recoverable property inadvertently included with the donated materials.
  • subscriptions increase with 10% annually
No set/universal rates are currently available.
Contact us for a personalised quotation.
WhatsApp 083 7083 468